Sunday, 26 May 2019

Friday Good Vibes - Term 2, Week 4.

Well done to the following students who received a Friday Good Vibes card last week.

Allazade got her card for her outstanding commitment to her cultural groups. She had an awesome performance on Friday at the Casebrook Challenge assembly. 


Nathan was awarded his card on Friday for his positive attitude despite breaking his wrist on Tuesday! Cool, calm and collected - Legend! 


Sienna was awarded her card for her great leadership! She did a wonderful job of representing Room 1 at our Casebrook Challenge assembly on Friday. 


Well done Riley! He received his Friday Good Vibes card for his wonderful Casebrook Challenge efforts. His book was outstanding with a high level of challenges completed.  A GREAT role model. 


A HUGE congratulations to those students in Room 1 who worked really hard to recieve a GOLD Casebrook Challenge Badge. We are all so proud of you. What great role models.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Mothers Day

A few weeks ago we spent time making our wonderful mothers a mothers day card with a poem. 

Big shout out to all the great mothers of Room 1. 

Ivan's masterpiece 

Hard Materials

Some of the Room 1 students with their finished product from hard materials.

Awesome LED based lights.

The students brief was to create an LED based light, that illuminates a panel of decorated acrylic plastic. Students were able to have a choice of pink or yellow acrylic and 4 different LED's. 

Mahina, Khalani, Emma, Eric, Dylan & Sarah. 

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Above & Beyond Awards - Term 2 Week 4

Well done to Emma and Rebecca who received our Above & Beyond awards at this weeks year 7 assembly.

Emma received hers for always showing perseverance when trying new things or facing challenges.

Rebecca received her card for her fantastic start to Casebrook. Rebecca has already made the most of the opportunities on offer! Welcome to Casebrook.

PTA Movie Mufti Day

We had some awesome movie dress up ideas in Room 1 for our PTA fundraiser. Thank you to those who joined in. 

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

'Publishers' Reading Group

Over the past two weeks the Publishers have been reading about earthquakes and completing activities around their text. 

"I learnt about the trampoline effect. An earthquake forces the ground up and down like a trampoline" - Ava

"I learnt that liquefaction can cause lots of damage. Liquefaction is when the water is pushed up onto the road or land because of the shaking"- Abbey 

"I learnt that earthquakes allow scientists to know what they can do if another one happens again" - Brooklyn

"I learnt that the trampoline effect goes up and down" - Riley C

"I learnt that the fault line was so close to Christchurch that by the time the shock waves got here it didn't have time to die down so it was still strong" - Sienna

"I learnt that earthquakes are measured on the Richter scale" - Angie

"I learnt that small earthquakes can more deadly than big earthquakes " - Xzavyer

Here are some photos of Riley demonstrating the 'Trampoline effect" for us.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Friday Good Vibes - Term 2, Week 1.

Well done to Harry who received our first Friday Good Vibes card of the term. It has been great to see Harry getting involved in his new reading contract! I have been so impressed with his commitment to his school work. Top job Harry!